Influential Figures. Timeless Wisdom. features inspiration from the world's most important philosiphers, inventors, scientists, religious figures, and leaders throughout history.
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Quote of the Day
Feb 15, 2025
“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.” —
(new quote generates at 00:00 UTC)
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Quick Start Guide
Our API is incredibly easy to use, check out the code samples below to get started:
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Fetch Random Quotes
All you need to do is send a request to[mode]/[key], where:
- [mode] = retreval type [random,today,quotes]
- [key] = optional. unlimited access API key
Sample Requests - Generate a JSON array of 50 random quotes on each request - Generate the quote of the day on each request - Generate a random quote on each request - Generate a random inspirational image on each request.[YOUR_KEY] - Generate a JSON array of available authors in the ZenQuotes database (API Key Required)[YOUR_KEY] - Generate a JSON array of quotes from specific author (API Key Required)[YOUR_KEY] - Generate quote image from a specific author (API Key Required)[YOUR_KEY]&custom=true - Generate a JSON array of your own quotes (API Key Required). Currently supports [random] and [quotes] calls.[YOUR_KEY]&keyword=[keyword] - Filter quotes by supported keywords (API Key Required)[YOUR_KEY]&keyword=[keyword] - Generate quote image by supported keywords (API Key Required)
Building an app?
Use the [quotes] call to pull 50 random quotes and loop them locally within your app. After a couple hours, refresh the list in your app by calling ZenQuotes again. Full Documentation →
You might also like our "On This Day" API
The result data is formatted as a JSON array. Pre-formatted HTML output is available in addition to raw individual values.
"q":"Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.",
"a":"Henry Ford",
"h":"<blockquote>“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” — <footer>Henry Ford</footer></blockquote>"
//.. MORE DATA ..//
"q":"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.",
"a":"Albert Einstein",
"h":"<blockquote>“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” — <footer>Albert Einstein</footer></blockquote>"
Usage Limits and Attribution
Requests are restricted to 5 per 30 second period, an API key or registered IP is required for unlimited access and to enable Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers. We require that you show attribution with a link back to when using the free version of this API.
Inspirational quotes provided by <a href="" target="_blank">ZenQuotes API</a>
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